What will happen if I get hurt on the trail? What are the chances that'll happen? And is my super-lite first aid kit going to be enough?
My usual hiking first aid kit consists of ibuprofen, sedated, a benadryl, duct tape and super glue. When they say "duct tape fixes everything", it includes the human body! And anyone who has accidentally glued their fingers together knows that Super Glue bond to skin. (Not that it's ever happened to me!) But I know my usual first aid kit is sorely lacking for a trip of this endeavor. I need to beef up the first aid kit while simultaneously keeping the weight down.
First off, a couple more benadryl and some anti-itch spray. There's gonna be alot of itchy plants out there to encounter. Secondly, blister pads. Yeah, duct tape works pretty well for short excursions, but I think I need something more blister specific out in the wilderness. (Especially since I have a philosophy that if I have the supplies, I won't need it!) At my yearly physical, my doctor gave me a prescription for prophylactic cipro and an epi-pen (I had a significant reaction to a bee sting two years ago). And I'll take along some gauze and anti-chafe lotion for good measure.
I debated for a while on the weight to functionality ratio of multi-vitamins and then I decided that yes, I would take vitamins along. I'm certain going to try to eat well, understanding that that is not always possible.
But zombies? I haven't really given any though to zombie protection. Until now. And as long as I'm protecting myself against zombies, should I start to think about vampires and werewolves, too? I'm not sure I can carry such an arsenal!
What to do? What to do? What could possibly be compact and light yet also be effective against all of the supernatural creatures I'm sure to encounter along the way?