The falls for which the park is named are spectacular! Not a bad thing to have to look at as I waited for the mail to arrive. The park was also filled with tourists for the day or car camping, which makes for nice conversation and story telling. ("Yes, just like Reese Witherspoon") I just may have created a couple future thru-hikers!
Beyond the park, the trail starts climbing again, which is good for views, but bad for tired and overheated hikers. (the air conditioned zero day was all but forgotten once we started climbing) The good news is, the trail provided something even better than air conditioning: rivers!
I passed several other small groups who had set up in shady spots and were napping. But I continued with my short-frequent-stops-in-the-shade strategy and continued to walk during the day.
Around 5, I crossed a dirt road and ran into Honey Badger -- who had also hiked the AT in 2013. We both had the same ending spot in mind, so we hiked together to Clark Spring, had a nice little dinner party, had some time to chill before the sun went down. Its nice to camp near water, even nicer to camp near water with an old friend!