I can't say I was as successful at getting up and out without waking people up on the shelters on the AT.
But on July 14, when I was camping in a big post-Belden-sleep-rave spot, I was the first one up and out without waking a soul.
In this section, we were back up in forested areas. Which I really like. Even though the views aren't as spectacular as in the desert, the energy of a forest is so much nicer, in my opinion. And it makes for a wonderful day of hiking.
This day was full of ups and downs, in and out of trees. Just the way I like my hiking days. I was leapfrogging back and forth with lots of people, eating lots to lessen the weight of my newly restocked food-bag, and cruising along at a great clip. I expected to do way more miles than I actually did.
But sometimes, 9 days into hiking without a zero, your body just decides its had enough miles for the day. And when you come to a nice flat spot with a clean flowing spring, you take a nice long rest. And when the sky turns dark and the thunder starts rumbling, you figure, "might as well set up the tent". And do a little reading, a little journaling, a lot of eating, and turn in early. As the rain starts and sings you to sleep with its percussion on your tent.
So what if deer also like the spring and wake you up all night long going back and forth to drink? That whole rain thing sound pretty picturesque! Lets just stick with the rain.