Ending Dare: September 14
Number of Days on the Trail: 166
Total Miles: 2015
Average Daily Miles 12.14
Number of Over 20 Days: 21
Number of Zero Days: 19
Pounds Lost: about 27
Number of Times I Wished I Wasn't Hiking: 2
Number of Shoes I Went Through: 4
Average Pack Weight: 25 #
Favorite State: Vermont
Least Favorite: New York
Number of Snow Days: 2
Number of Above 100 Days: 4
Number of Times I Cried on the Trail: about 20
Number of Times I Laughed on the Trail: at least once a day
Amount of Time it Took for Feeling to Return to My Feet After Finishing: 2 1/2 weeks
Amount of Time it Took to Wish I Were Hiking Again: about 2 1/2 weeks
Final Thought: Best thing I've ever done!