Today we walked past Nuclear Lake, the site of a plutonium dust explosion in 1972. United Nuclear Corp had a research facility on the land then, and were doing some kind of research with bomb grade plutonium and uranium dust. BOOM! The plant was closed, the hazardous material cleaned up, and contaminated soil, rocks, leaves, etc trucked out. The federal government declared the land safe for general use on 1975 and purchased the land in1979. The Appalachian Trail was rerouted past Nuclear Lake in 1986. Awesome.
There are signs posted around the lake prohibiting swimming. But the lake itself hasn't been tested for radiation levels. Had we past by the lake yesterday when it was over 100, I would have said "radiation, schmadiation!" And jumped right in.
The trail continued past the lake ( which looked quite picturesque and nice) through gently rolling Forrest trails before descending into a nice wetland reserve with a boardwalk.
After our break, we continued on the perfect and delightful section of New York trail I have seen described in guidebooks and websites.
That didn't drop the humidity level at all. But Connecticut does mark the return of water! We ended the day with a swim in Ten Mile River- a welcome, refreshing, radiation less break in a very long, hard week.