June 3: today was a big 20 mile push into town for a quick resupply. The big highlight of the day was the longest foot traffic bridge on he AT. Some people jump off the bridge into the James River. It was rainy and cool so the thought didn't even enter my mind.
June4: was so hard to get going today! We did breakfast of ham and cheese bagels in Road Runner's room, then went back to bed for an hour! Checked out, ate at Subway, and caught a ride back to the trail from a guy coming out of bible study, Robert Burns. The ride to and from Buena Vista was so pretty! Such beautiful shades of green. It's good that its pretty, because we pretty much hiked in the green tunnel all day today. Big climb up Cold. Mountain. Some unexpected trail magic by a gravel road - Gatorade and candy- and pushed on to Seely-Woodworth Shelter. Reunited with Acorn and Sideshow who stayed at the shelter. We went 2 more miles to a campsite, which was a great choice on our part. Nice spot by a babbling stream, flat tent spots, and great fire. Nice night.
June 5: off to a good and early start today. On the trail by 8. It was cold in the campsite, but warmer in the sun. Stayed around mid 70's. we checked out spy rock and then set to our arduous day: 3000 foot descent, then 3000 foot climb, then 2600 foot decent. Makes the legs like jelly! Plus, those damn rocks! I think I'm gonna hate Pennsylvania!
We ended the day at Maupin Field Shelter where we tented, ate, and had a great fire.
June 6: after a great sleep, it started sprinkling as we broke camp. No problem! We had read the weather report and it as supposed to hold off until tomorrow - our zero day.
The weather report was wrong.
We hiked 21.5 miles in the outskirts of Andrea. Any time we thought it couldn't possibly rain any harder, it did. I didn't know clothes could be so heavy!
When we emerged onto Rockfish Gap, we figured we'd have no problem getting a ride into Waynesboro. The book showed a restaurant, gas station, motel, and visitor's center at Rockfish Gap.
All burned out and boarded up with graffiti all over. Really creepy. Like horror movie creepy. Zombies could be hiding in those buildings! And when we approached cars to look for rides, all sopping wet with our heavy clothes, people locked their doors and drove away!
Luckily, there was a list of numbers with trail angels on the guard rail. We got a ride into town from a nice guy and got our warm showers!
This is what a good town visit looks like: