We started hitching and who should pull over to give us a ride, but Miss Janet! Miss Janet runs a hostel in Erwin, TN and takes in dogs when their owners hike through the Smokies. And here she was, driving her psychedelic van around Mass. We surmised that she must follow the hikers north on her van, providing shuttle service and dog care, and then return to TN when the southbounders arrive. In any case, I was happy for the ride.
As always when leaving a town, the day began with a big climb. We ran into a bunch of trail maintainers, teenagers, sporting Tshirts that said "the Greenagers". Pretty cool. We hung out with them for a while at a viewpoint.
Terrain is getting much less rocky, my feet are grateful. I still get sore on the balls of my feet, but less so than before. I guess sore feet are just par for the course.
We end up at a shelter with a bad water source, but those feet are telling me we've done enough for the day. We ration the water and decide to stop at the first water source tomorrow, 1.5 miles away.
We are sharing the shelter with a group that started at the end of February! Gotta limit those double zeroes!
For the first time in a while, I sleep inside, rather than on top of my sleeping bag. Getting further north.