By the time she reaches term, she's put on 70 pounds and wonders why it didn't all just magically melt away at the delivery. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that would be me.
Case in point: I have been using this upcoming thru-hike as an excuse perform a one-person re-enactment of Shark Week: The Feeding Frenzy. Chocolate? I can eat that! I'm about to hike all day long for 6 months straight. Cookies? I can eat those. I will be carrying a 30 pound pack. Ice cream? Well, I won't even have access to that. Ice cream does not keep well in a back pack. Better eat as much of it as I can before I start the hike! Not to mention pizza. That doesn't travel well, either.
As a result of my unbridled eating extravaganza, I pretty much resemble Fat Monica from Friends. Remember that? Why was it so funny when Courtney Cox danced in a fat suit? It just was. Good times.
Anywho... I've taken to wearing elastic waist band pants as much as possible. Even my shirts are fitting strangely. They have appeared to have gotten SHORTER as my weight crept up.( Must be because they're expanding out to the sides instead of hanging straight down) I tell you, I am a sight to behold!
All in all, though, I'm not concerned. I keep telling myself, that FAT is FUEL! I'm going to need alot of it soon. Just me, my heavy backpack, and no ice cream machines in sight. Here's hoping that after this trip, I will have gained not only a lot more self control, but a figure more like....ok, not like Skinny Monica. I could backpack every day for the rest of my life and still not have that physique.
Maybe like Jennifer Anniston. With out of control hair and a backpack.