May 21: The next morning, since I am the queen of the morning routine, I was packed up earlier than Lightfeather. She said to go on ahead and she'd catch me later in the day. ( she did not) So off I went.
A few short miles later, I came to the water cache maintained by the guys at Hikertown. I stopped, grabbed some water, and ate while resting my feet. Still no Lightfeather. So I continued on.
And pretty soon, I entered this;
A wind farm. I admit, the novelty of walking through a wind farm was pretty cool at first. All around, to every side, wind turbines as far as the eye could see. Kind of trippy in a SCI-FY kind of way. But then, after a while, the novelty wore off. There's only so many wind turbines you can see before it gets old.
See what I mean? So I waked 31 miles into Mojave just to not have to sleep under a wind turbine.